Exporter Checklist

Exporter ChecklistBefore doing business internationally or even locally with foreign persons, every business should have an export strategy in place.  XportAdvisors can help you assess the following:

  1. Are the Company’s or individuals you want to do business with list on any of the Bureau of Industry and security’s denied parties lists?
  2. Is the customer located in one of several embargoed or restricted countries?
  3. Are there any elements to the transaction that would raise a Red Flag for export compliance purposes (i.e. end purchaser and consignee are unrelated, or payments in excess of market value).
  4. Does the activity you are contemplating meet the legal definition of an Export according to U.S. regulations?
  5. If it is an  Export,   Determine if the transaction is covered by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (“ITAR”),  Bureau of industry and Security’s Export Administration Regulations (“EAR”), or the U.S. treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assett Control Regulations?
  6. If a license is required: Obtain an Export License from the appropriate agency or find an applicable license exception or exemption.
  7. Obtain records of all export transactions

Call us for a free consultation regarding your export  compliance and licensing needs: 1.888.468.7910

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